One- to Two-Hour “Peak Presenter” Seminar

Designed for larger audiences (e.g. 20 to 500), this one- to two-hour seminar delivers the keys to powerful, memorable presentations. Faced paced, entertaining, and highly interactive, the audience will learn how to:

  • Engage and motivate an audience in even the most challenging situations
  • Organize their presentation for maximum impact
  • Manage Presentation Anxiety
  • Create a memorable experience, so audiences retain key learnings
  • Use slides, visuals, and other props to improve retention and impact
  • Use pacing, and storytelling to make presentations shine.

Audience members will take away easy to use tools and techniques that they can implement immediately in their presentations.

Optional: This workshop can be tailored specifically for business development or sales teams; these audiences would learn in addition how to develop a compelling, concise “pitch,” from 15 seconds to two minutes.


Who Should Attend

Any individual or team where presentations are used to convey information. Examples include:

  • Sales or Business Development teams seeking to influence a buying decision (note – this seminar can be tailored specifically for sales and business development by adding-in elements of the “Pitch” workshop).
  • Finance staff who present results, either internally, or to external analysts/audiences
  • Marketing teams proposing campaigns
  • IT staff recommending infrastructure investments
  • Product teams building a business case for a new development
  • Convention or Conference-goers